Dividend Investing Checklist
A FREE investment checklist for UK dividend investors
Most investors should be methodical and systematic with their investments, and that's where investment checklists can be extremely useful.
They keep the investment process consistent, they force you to apply every check every time and they make it easier to improve the investment process over time, as lessons are learned from experience in the real world.
The checklist below has been in development for more than a decade and it's the checklist that underpins stock selection in the UK Dividend Stocks Newsletter.
FREE Company Review Checklist
This checklist is a practical tool and guide to help you invest quality dividend shares.
Its 20+ pages cover a few dozen "rules of thumb" that replace guesswork and uncertainty with a stable, repeatable investment process.
You can download a free copy of the checklist when you subscribe to the award-winning UK Dividend Stocks Blog.
GET THE CHECKLISTThis website provides information, education and tools for investors. It does not provide financial advice or recommendations to buy or sell any specific investment. If you're not sure if an investment is right for you, you should speak to a regulated financial adviser. Please read the disclaimer for more details.